Thursday, June 27, 2013

Meet Kenzie From The Ashcraft Bunch

Hi friends! I'm so excited to have my first guest post today! I'm so excited that it's such a sweet girl girl too! Kenzie from The Ashcraft Bunch, she has a great 4th of July post for us today, and make sure you go say hello on her blog! 

Hello All Things White readers! I am Kenzie and I blog over at The Ashcraft Bunch
Joy has so graciously let me guest post on her blog today. She is so sweet and I love working with her. We know each other through our husbands who went to high school together-Kenneth and Joy are such a sweet and outgoing family and we love keeping up with them!

Joy also guest posted on my blog and you can read that here.

With the Fourth of July coming up, I just wanted to share a few of my favorite pins on Pinterest.
I love this festive~patriotic holiday and its sweet treats!
My mother-in-law has a huge get together on the Fourth every year and we always have fun foods to celebrate with. I am always looking for ideas to make and bring. Here my favorites for this year: 

You can find the recipes by clicking on all of the links to direct you to that blog. I can't wait to try them out!
What are some of your favorite Fourth foods? 

I hope you all have a happy Fourth of July and remember the reason for our freedom! 
Big thank yous to Joy for letting me take over the blog for a day!



  1. Oooo a cherry beergarita sounds exactly what the doctor order for next week's celebrations! Thanks for sharing ladies!

  2. YUM! These all look delicious :) Hope you had a fab 4th!!

    Lauren xx


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